Photo by Krystina Vangner


Embarked on her yoga journey in 2013 with her first Ashtanga class at Ashtanga Yoga Madrid. Originally drawn to yoga as a complement to her dance career, she discovered a passion that reshaped her path. Assisting yoga classes became a new outlet for her, allowing her to channel her focus into this transformative practice.

Under the guidance of mentor Alexia Pita, Irantzu's journey with yoga deepened. She has also studied with notable teachers like Laura Griskeviciute, Mati Guerra, Peter Sanson, Hamish Hendry, Lucas Carvalho, and Olivier David, whom she assisted and taught for in his absence at his Shala, Ashtanga Yoga Sunshine Coast.

Irantzu's commitment led her to the source of Ashtanga Yoga in Mysore, India, where she has practiced under Sharath Jois since 2019, immersing herself in tradition with a diverse community from around the world. On her last trip to Mysore, she received Sharath Jois’ blessing to teach the traditional Ashtanga method, Level 2.

“Blending my dance background with yoga, I like to create a unique and dynamic approach to each of the student. My journey with this  Ashtanga Yoga has been one of profound personal growth. Today, I share this transformative practice, embodying the union of mind, body, and spirit.”

Photo by Krystina Vangner


Photo by Krystina Vangner


Photo by Krystina Vangner